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Apostille, Anyone?

Angel's Mobile Notary now offers apostille services!

What is an Apostille, you ask? An apostille is a method of authenticating a document, by a public official, going to another country.

An apostille AGENT works on behalf of "John Doe", the person requesting the service. While an apostille agent does NOT have to be a Notary Public, it does help, especially if the document to be apostilled has to be notarized first, as it saves a step in finding a notary.

Scenario: John Doe calls me and says he has a Birth Certificate that needs to go to Mexico. If California is the origin state, the Birth Certificate, Apostille Request Form, a check/money order for $20 (per document to be apostilled), and self-addressed paid envelope, usually FedEx or UPS, will be shipped via FedEx/UPS to the Secretary of State at its Capital, (in this case, Sacramento), to be apostilled. Once completed, the documents will either be sent back to the apostille agent, or back to the John Doe, to forward to the desired country. Apostille agent fees vary and are collected in advance. There is more information on how the apostille process works, which you can find online.

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